Meet our Educators of the Month!

Erin Cluff is the Mentor of the month. She has taken extreme ownership in her role as a PLC lead. She works diligently to ensure the mentors are working as a team to do what best for students! Erin is always willing to share her knowledge with others and has been key in training and supporting our new mentors. Her problem solving skills and great ideas help to increase team morale and ensure success. Thanks Erin for all that you do for us at UTVA!

Holly is our SPED educator of the month! Holly is an all-around team player and is so great to jump in and help her Gen-Ed counterparts with anything they need. She knows her students and her data well and uses it daily when planning lessons to meet her student needs. She works hard to plan her lessons around state essential standards mastery to ensure that each child will achieve maximum growth. She has given her Kindergarten students extra chances for reading practice that are outside of the OLS curriculum. She is innovative in her teaching and has a great rapport with each of her students. Her classroom is the happiest place on Earth—sorry Disney, she’s got you beat! She always has smile on her face and some spunk in her step as she tackles new challenges in teaching.

Stacy Dalton is the K-5 educator of the month! Stacy has jumped right in to using Zoom and Nearpod during her classes. In addition, Stacy is trying innovative things such as using flip grid as a tool for students to record themselves reading sight words. Her classroom culture is extremely positive. She has beginning of class celebrations for exit ticket rock stars and prize drawings for participation. She is a master at tracking data and knowing her students strengths and areas of need. Stacy has extreme ownership of her students, where they are academically, and where they need to go. In addition to all these wonderful things Stacy has gone above and beyond and secured a free Tracy Aviary membership for our school. Thanks Stacy!

Janalee Miller is the Middle School educator of the month! Janalee is eager, driven and committed to figuring out how to be the best teacher she can be for her students. She asks great questions, is creative with her ideas and has picked up all of the new systems and programs very quickly. When walking through her classroom one could never tell she is new around here, she handles classroom management and lesson delivery like a pro! Her MTSS documents are detailed and student need focused. She has a relentless work ethic and a positive growth mindset that is helping her be a very effective teacher that her kids are so lucky to have!