Feb 3rd – 7th – Join us for our School Spirit Week
Monday – Pajama Day! Wear your pjs to school! Did you know it is really important to get around 8 hours of sleep every night? Tonight, try to go to sleep early enough to get 8 hours of sleep!
Tuesday – Sports Fan Day! Wear your favorite sports team jersey, shirt, or colors! Be active today! Go for a walk, Do 50 jumping jacks, run up and down your stairs for 5 minutes, go play a sport, or whatever! Just get moving!
Wednesday – Hat and Chef Day! Wear a fun hat to school and during the day cook or bake something yummy! Share what you made with us!
Thursday – Crazy Hair Day! We are all unique and it’s okay to be different and a little crazy! Tell us what is unique and crazy about you!
Friday – UTVA Spirit Day! Wear a UTVA shirt or the UTVA colors –Purple and Black. Tell us why you are happy to be a part of UTVA!
*Send pictures to your teachers or jmorales@utahvirtual.org so we can post them on social media!